About Our Services

  • If you are in immediate danger of harming yourself, you can text the Crisis Text Line at 741741, or you can call 911.

    Authentic Living London does not provide critical suicide intervention.

  • Absolutely not! I want to shout this from the mountaintops! It is really important to me that you work with someone who will be the most helpful.

  • Absolutely!!! Art-infused grief counselling is great for kids, because kids don’t always have the words to express their feelings. Plus, kids are usually drawn to creating art and crafts.

  • There is no set plan about what to talk about. We usually go with whatever is on the top of the brain.

    During the first session, I usually ask about the loss story as well as how you are functioning with day to day activities such as sleeping, eating, and socializing, as a way of seeing what areas might need a bit of extra support.

    No topic is off limits and no topic has to be talked about. These are your sessions. We can talk about whatever you like.

  • It’s important that you and your child feel safe and supported. Depending on the age, your child might want you to stay, but they also might want you to leave so that they feel freer to talk. It is very common for children to feel like they need to protect their parent’s feelings. Another option is for you to stay for the first little bit and then take the rest of the time as an excuse to go for a walk or for a coffee and enjoy a little alone time.

  • The purpose of art-based grief counseling is to allow the feelings you don’t have words for to come out through art/craft supplies. I can’t emphasize this enough - you do not need to be any “good” at art. In fact, the art made in session usually ends up looking like it was made by a 5 year old - and that’s exactly what we want - a piece of art that is not simple, meaningful, and not bothered by perfection.

  • Each person’s insurance policy covers different services. Most policies cover psychotherapy, but please check with your provider.

    If finances are an inhibiting factor, I do offer a few appointments on a sliding scale. Proof of income may be required.

    Please note that we do not direct bill.

  • We accept cash, credit card, and e-transfers.

  • When grief symptoms are ignored, the body stores the emotions and those emotions can later manifest as physical issues and psychological issues. Unfortunately, the pain of loss has to be felt and processed in order for healing to occur.

  • In all likelihood, yes, your grief is “normal”. The effects of grief have a tremendous range from sadness to insomnia, to an inability to grasp time and dates, to depression, to hearing voices, to seeing the deceased, to a burst of energy, to crying over everything.

    But please remember, that “normal” does not mean “easy”. Even normal grief responses can be very overwhelming and in need of support.

  • Little by little.

    It isn’t so much a matter of getting over a loss as it is a matter of reintegrating with a life that no longer includes the person or thing you no longer have.

  • I wish I could magically take away the pain. Unfortunately, grief is it’s own boss. Forcing the timeline of metabolizing the loss will only backfire. I can’t say how long it will take for you to no longer feel overwhelmed by your grief on a daily basis, but I can say that I promise to offer a safe place for exploring, venting, and crying.

About Grief